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Charts Page

Charts are simple to use and documented properly for everyone! Driven by JS and powered by CSS3 these are just plain awesome! Don't forget to add the body class has-charts to enable the charts for the page!

Pie Statistics

50% More Red!

10% More Green!

10% More Yellow!

10% More Blue!

Bar Charts

Pie charts are amazing, and very easy to use in our template, the variables are already inside the custom.js file, you simply copy and paste these variables, duplicate the pie ID, and you succesfully created another responsive chart!

Bar Statistics

One: 50% More Red!

Two: 10% More Green!

Three: 10% More Yellow!

Four:10% More Blue!

CSS3 Horizontal Square Charts

Charts are awesome, important and they are a must, multiple color variations to make it sweet!

A red chart 10%
A yellow chart 30%
A blue chart 50%
And a green chart! 90%

CSS3 Horizontal Rounded Charts

Charts are awesome, important and they are a must, multiple color variations to make it sweet!

A red chart 10%
A yellow chart 30%
A blue chart 50%
And a green chart! 90%
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I'll go away on my own after a few seconds!

Timeout: 5 Seconds

I'll go away on my own after a few seconds!